Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Vemmax Install Speakers

Why the virus appears now and not in July?

Today it happened or the tortilla and call me anytime to cancel everything. I speak of

These days I asked myself why this disease seems now? only by a lottery of time? just because it's hotter? or because the virus will love April? why hate Easter?

P or Aporrea I find that the swine flu vaccine factory, Donald Rumsfeld, the same Habliburton that invaded Iraq.
Here is a key.

"As we can see, there are two companies that produce the" remedies "for this outbreak, so" unexpected ", begins to wreak havoc in the U.S. and Mexico. As there are only two suppliers of the products concerned, the governments of both countries would not have much to select from to buy the drugs achieved in controlling this disease, therefore, both Roche and Glaxo would be the main beneficiaries in this whole affair. The strange thing is that in reviewing the performance of Roche stock was announced a collapse of its shares for the April 22 and believe it or not, the graph shows the changes over the past 10 months their stock prices show a steady decline which lowest level in 2009 was registered for the March 9 the Zurich Stock Exchange. In Creole, the transnational pharmaceutical is "pa" "...." it down

This at least serves to answer because the virus is now.


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